How do you improve page speed?

How do you improve page speed?

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Introduction to the topic of website speed

Have you ever waited ages for a website to finally load? You certainly have! Long loading pages can be frustrating and often end up with us simply giving up and looking for information elsewhere. This is why website loading speed is so important.

In this article we will talk about how to improve site speed and how it affects users and site owners. There will be no complicated technical details here, just simple and understandable information. Let's get started!

Why is page speed important?

With everything happening so fast these days, users expect websites to load in the blink of an eye. If a website takes too long to load, users may lose patience and leave before it even has time to fully load. This means you will lose potential customers, readers or viewers.

Here are some reasons why site speed is so important:

  • Improved user experience: Fast-loading pages provide a positive experience, which makes users more likely to return. Who likes to wait, right?
  • Higher positions in search results: Search engines such as Google consider page load speed as one of the ranking factors. A faster website can therefore help you achieve better results on Google. If you want to learn more about how to position your business on Google, take a look at our an article about positioning your company on Google.
  • Greater conversion: Fast-loading pages are more likely to convert visits into actions, such as purchases, newsletter sign-ups or e-book downloads. It's simple maths - the less waiting, the more likely a user is to do something with you.

How fast should the page load?

Ideally, your page load time should be less than 3 seconds. This may seem very short, but remember that competition is huge and users are impatient. Pages that take longer than 3 seconds to load have a much higher rejection rate (bounce rate).

What affects page load speed?

Many factors affect the loading speed of a page, such as:

  1. Size of images: Large, unoptimised images can significantly slow down page loading. Ensure that all images are properly compressed.
  2. Site code: Redundant HTML, CSS and JavaScript code can also be a problem. Minimising the code can speed up the performance of the site.
  3. Server: The speed of response of the server on which your website is hosted is crucial. Choose fast and reliable hosting.

What is website loading speed?

The loading speed of a website is the time it takes from the moment a user clicks on a link or types in a URL until the page is fully loaded and ready for interaction. This is a very important aspect of any website as it affects user experience, position in search results and conversion rates.

Why is page load speed important?

Imagine you enter a shop and the door opens very slowly. You are likely to lose patience and walk away. The same is true for website users. If a page takes too long to load, users may give up browsing and look for information elsewhere.

How do we measure page load speed?

Page loading speed can be measured in several ways. Here are the most important indicators you should know:

  • Time to First Byte (TTFB): It is the time that elapses from the time the request is sent to the server until the server starts sending the first data. Ideally, the TTFB should be as short as possible.
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): It measures the time that elapses from the loading of a page until the largest content element (e.g. image, block of text) is fully visible.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This is an indicator of the stability of the page layout. It shows how much the page layout changes during loading. The lower the CLS score, the better.
  • First Input Delay (FID): It measures the time that elapses from the first user interaction (e.g. clicking a button) until the browser is able to respond to that interaction.

What factors affect page load speed?

Many elements affect the loading speed of a page. Here are some of the most important ones:

  1. Image optimisation: Large, unoptimised images can significantly slow down page loading. It is worth using formats such as WebP and compressing images without losing quality.
  2. Code minimisation: Redundant HTML, CSS and JavaScript code can also affect loading times. Minimising and combining files can help to speed up your site.
  3. Hosting: The speed of the server on which a website is hosted is crucial. Choosing the right hosting can significantly improve loading times.
  4. Plug-ins and scripts: Redundant plugins and scripts can overload the site. Regular review and removal of unnecessary elements can improve performance.

Why is site speed crucial?

Website loading speed is not just a matter of user convenience. In today's digital world, where everyone expects instant results, page speed plays a key role in the success of a website. Let's take a look at why this is so important.

User experience

We all want our online experience to be smooth and seamless. When a website takes too long to load, users can become frustrated and quickly abandon it. This means you could lose potential customers or readers before they even have time to read your content.

  • Immediate satisfaction: Users expect pages to load in less than three seconds. Every extra second can significantly increase the rejection rate.
  • Satisfaction and returns: Fast-loading pages attract users and make them more likely to return.

Positioning in search results

Google and other search engines consider page loading speed as one of the ranking factors. Pages that load faster are more likely to rank higher in search results. Want to learn more about how to position your business on Google? Read our an article about positioning your company on Google.

  1. Improved visibility: Faster pages are rewarded by search engine algorithms, which can lead to higher positions in search results.
  2. More traffic: A higher position in search results usually translates into more visits to the website.

Conversion rates

Page speed has a direct impact on conversion rates. The faster your page loads, the greater the chances that a user will take an intended action on it, such as buying a product, signing up for a newsletter or downloading an e-book.

  • Reduced decision time: Users are more likely to make a purchase decision when a website runs smoothly and without delays.
  • Greater customer satisfaction: Satisfied users are more likely to purchase and recommend the site to others.


The loading speed of a website is a key element affecting user satisfaction, search engine positioning and conversion rates. By ensuring your website is fast, you are ensuring a competitive advantage and satisfied visitors. If you want to find out how to enter Google My Business and increase your website's visibility, read our Article about Google My Company.

Tools for measuring page speed

If you want your website to run as fast as possible, you need to know how to measure it and what to improve. Fortunately, there are many tools that can help you do this. Below are some of the most popular ones.

Google PageSpeed Insights

This is one of the most widely used tools for testing the speed of websites. Google PageSpeed Insights analyses your website and provides detailed information on what can be improved to make it load faster.

  • Simple operation: Simply enter the URL of your site and the tool will analyse it and present the results.
  • Detailed reports: Google PageSpeed Insights provides recommendations on which elements of a page need to be optimised.


WebPageTest is another powerful website speed analysis tool. It allows you to run tests from different locations around the world, which is particularly useful if your website has a global reach.

  1. Multiple testing: Ability to run multiple tests to get average results.
  2. Precise details: The tool provides detailed information about each element of the site, which helps to identify problems.

Pingdom Tools

Pingdom Tools is an easy-to-use tool that monitors the performance of your website. It offers a simple interface and clear reports, making it ideal for those who are new to website optimisation.

  • Intuitive interface: The tool is easy to use and provides clear information on site performance.
  • Performance history: Ability to track changes in site performance over time.

Other tools

In addition to the tools mentioned above, it is also worth noting:

  • from Google, an advanced tool offering a wide range of optimisation recommendations.
  • GTmetrix - a tool providing detailed analysis and reports on website performance.


Regular use of website speed measurement tools is key to maintaining website performance. With these tools, you can identify problems and make the necessary adjustments to ensure the best possible experience for your users.

How do I improve my page load speed?

Website loading speed has a huge impact on user satisfaction, SEO and conversion rates. Fortunately, there are a number of proven methods that can significantly improve the performance of your website. Below are some practical tips.

Image optimisation

One of the most important steps is to optimise images. Large, unoptimised images can significantly slow down page loading.

Image compressionUse image compression tools such as TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce file size without losing quality.
Suitable formatChoose modern formats such as WebP, which offer better compression than JPEG or PNG.

Code minimisation

Redundant HTML, CSS and JavaScript code can slow down your website. Code minimisation involves removing unnecessary elements such as whitespace characters, comments or unused code.

  • Minification: Use tools such as UglifyJS or CSSNano to minify your code.
  • File consolidation: Combine CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Improving server performance

The speed of the server on which your website is hosted is crucial to its loading.

Choice of hostingMake sure your hosting provider offers fast servers and good infrastructure.
Use of CDNA content delivery network (CDN) can significantly speed up page loading by distributing content closer to users.

Optimisation of plug-ins and scripts

Redundant plugins and scripts can overload the site. Regular review and removal of unnecessary elements can improve performance.

  • Reduction in the number of plugs: Remove unused or redundant plug-ins.
  • Script optimisation: Minimise the number and size of JavaScript scripts.

Cache usage

A cache can significantly speed up page loading by storing frequently used data locally on the user's device.

Type of cacheDescription
Browser cacheSet cache headers so that users' browsers can store copies of your site locally.
Server cacheUse server caching mechanisms such as Memcached or Redis to speed up the site.


Improving your site's loading speed is a key element that affects user satisfaction, search engine positioning and conversion rates. By using the above techniques and tools, you can significantly speed up your website and ensure it performs better.

Continuous monitoring and analysis of results

Regular monitoring of your website's loading speed is crucial to ensure optimal performance. By continually tracking performance, you can quickly identify problems and make appropriate adjustments.

Why monitor site speed?

Monitoring your site's speed allows you to continuously assess how various changes affect its performance. Regular analysis helps to maintain a high-quality user experience and improve search engine rankings.

What tools to use for monitoring?

There are a number of tools that can help monitor site speed. Here are a few of them:

  • Google Analytics: Allows tracking of various metrics, including page load time.
  • Pingdom: Monitors site performance and sends notifications when problems occur.
  • GTmetrix: Provides detailed reports on site performance and suggests optimisations.

Analysis of results

Performance analysis is a key part of monitoring site speed. It involves regularly reviewing reports and identifying areas for improvement.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)The time that elapses between sending a request to the server and when the server starts sending data.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)The time that elapses from the loading of the page until the largest piece of content is visible.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)A measure of the stability of a page's layout. Shows how much the page layout changes during loading.

Regular testing

Conducting regular site speed tests is essential to maintain high performance. These tests should be performed before and after any changes are made to assess their impact.

  • Tests before changes: They help to understand the current performance of the site.
  • Tests after changes: They allow the impact of the modifications made to be assessed.

Automated monitoring

Automated site speed monitoring can make this process much easier. Monitoring tools can regularly check the performance of the site and send alerts if there are any problems.

New RelicReal-time monitoring of applications and infrastructure.
DynatraceAutomatic performance analysis and problem detection.


Ongoing monitoring and performance analysis are key elements in maintaining high website performance. Regular testing, analysis of metrics and automation of monitoring processes will help you quickly identify issues and make appropriate adjustments, ensuring the best possible experience for users.

How do I improve my page load speed?

Website loading speed has a huge impact on user satisfaction, SEO and conversion rates. Fortunately, there are a number of proven methods that can significantly improve the performance of your website. Below are some practical tips.

Image optimisation

One of the most important steps is to optimise images. Large, unoptimised images can significantly slow down page loading.

Image compressionUse image compression tools such as TinyPNG or ImageOptim to reduce file size without losing quality.
Suitable formatChoose modern formats such as WebP, which offer better compression than JPEG or PNG.

Code minimisation

Redundant HTML, CSS and JavaScript code can slow down your website. Code minimisation involves removing unnecessary elements such as whitespace characters, comments or unused code.

  • Minification: Use tools such as UglifyJS or CSSNano to minify your code.
  • File consolidation: Combine CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Improving server performance

The speed of the server on which your website is hosted is crucial to its loading.

Choice of hostingMake sure your hosting provider offers fast servers and good infrastructure.
Use of CDNA content delivery network (CDN) can significantly speed up page loading by distributing content closer to users.

Optimisation of plug-ins and scripts

Redundant plugins and scripts can overload the site. Regular review and removal of unnecessary elements can improve performance.

  • Reduction in the number of plugs: Remove unused or redundant plug-ins.
  • Script optimisation: Minimise the number and size of JavaScript scripts.

Cache usage

A cache can significantly speed up page loading by storing frequently used data locally on the user's device.

Type of cacheDescription
Browser cacheSet cache headers so that users' browsers can store copies of your site locally.
Server cacheUse server caching mechanisms such as Memcached or Redis to speed up the site.


Improving your site's loading speed is a key element that affects user satisfaction, search engine positioning and conversion rates. By using the above techniques and tools, you can significantly speed up your website and ensure it performs better.

Continuous monitoring and analysis of results

Regular monitoring of your website's loading speed is crucial to ensure optimal performance. By continually tracking performance, you can quickly identify problems and make appropriate adjustments.

Why monitor site speed?

Monitoring your site's speed allows you to continuously assess how various changes affect its performance. Regular analysis helps to maintain a high-quality user experience and improve search engine rankings.

What tools to use for monitoring?

There are a number of tools that can help monitor site speed. Here are a few of them:

  • Google Analytics: Allows tracking of various metrics, including page load time.
  • Pingdom: Monitors site performance and sends notifications when problems occur.
  • GTmetrix: Provides detailed reports on site performance and suggests optimisations.

Analysis of results

Performance analysis is a key part of monitoring site speed. It involves regularly reviewing reports and identifying areas for improvement.

Time to First Byte (TTFB)The time that elapses between sending a request to the server and when the server starts sending data.
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)The time that elapses from the loading of the page until the largest piece of content is visible.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)A measure of the stability of a page's layout. Shows how much the page layout changes during loading.

Regular testing

Conducting regular site speed tests is essential to maintain high performance. These tests should be performed before and after any changes are made to assess their impact.

  • Tests before changes: They help to understand the current performance of the site.
  • Tests after changes: They allow the impact of the modifications made to be assessed.

Automated monitoring

Automated site speed monitoring can make this process much easier. Monitoring tools can regularly check the performance of the site and send alerts if there are any problems.

New RelicReal-time monitoring of applications and infrastructure.
DynatraceAutomatic performance analysis and problem detection.


Ongoing monitoring and performance analysis are key elements in maintaining high website performance. Regular testing, analysis of metrics and automation of monitoring processes will help you quickly identify issues and make appropriate adjustments, ensuring the best possible experience for users.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about website loading speed

1. why is page load speed important?

Page load speed has a huge impact on user experience and positioning in search results. Fast pages provide a better user experience, reducing rejection rates and increasing time spent on the site. Google and other search engines consider page speed as a ranking factor, meaning that fast pages are more likely to rank higher in search results, which can translate into more traffic and higher conversions.

2. How can I check the loading speed of my website?

You can use various online tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, WebPageTest or Pingdom. These tools analyse your site and provide detailed reports on its performance and suggest what elements need to be optimised.

3. what affects page loading speed?

Many factors affect the loading speed of a page, including:

  • Image sizing and optimisation
  • HTML, CSS and JavaScript code
  • Hosting server performance
  • Use of cache memory
  • Number of HTTP requests
  • Use of CDN (Content Delivery Network)


4. How can I speed up the loading of my website?

There are many methods for optimising a site, including:

  • Compression of images and use of modern formats such as WebP
  • Minification of HTML, CSS and JavaScript code
  • Browser and server cache usage
  • Implementation of lazy loading for images and scripts
  • Choosing a fast and reliable hosting provider
  • Use of content delivery networks (CDNs)


5. how often should I monitor my site speed?

Regular monitoring of your site's speed is crucial to ensure optimal performance. It is recommended that tests are carried out after any significant change is made to the site and regularly every few weeks to ensure that the site is running smoothly and quickly.

6. can a change of hosting improve the loading speed of my website?

Yes, choosing the right hosting makes a big difference to your website loading speed. Hosting with better server performance, faster response times and a location closer to your users can significantly improve the loading time of your site.

7. Does page speed optimisation have an impact on SEO?

Yes, page load speed is one of Google's ranking factors. Pages that load quickly are ranked better by search engines, which can lead to higher positions in search results and more traffic.

Picture of Kacper Adamczyk

Kacper Adamczyk

Hi, my name is Kacper and I specialise in creating memorable websites and effective marketing strategies to help grow online businesses.

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